Research fellow (m/f/d) in the field of molecular cell biology with expected full-time employment - E 13 TV-L HU (third-party funding limited until 30.04.2028)
- Kennziffer
- DR/151/24
- Kategorie(n)
- Wissenschaftliches Personal
- Anzahl der Stellen
- 1
- Einsatzort
Faculty of Life Sciences - Department of Biology
- Bewerbung bis
- 08.01.25
- Text
Job description:
- scientific services in research in the field of RNA modifications in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and bacteria, in particular the investigation of RNA modifications and their function using Nanopore sequencing technology, molecular genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry
- completed scientific university degree and if applicable PhD inbiology, biochemistry or comparable subject
- experience in molecular biology
- experience in the bioinformatic analysis of genomics data is desirable
- at least one first author publication in an internationally recognized journal is desirable
- good command of written and spoken English
- german language skills desirable
Please send your application (including a cover letter, CV and relevant certificates), referencing the job id to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Molecular cell biology, Prof. Dr. Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray (Address: Philippstr. 13, Hause 22, 10115 Berlin), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, or preferably via email as a PDF file to
The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration history are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.
Information pursuant to Art. 12, 13 DSGVO on the processing of personal data (at Humboldt- Universität) within the framework of job advertisements can be found on our Website:
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