Post-Doc Position Psychologist (m/f/d) in the ERC-Project Plundered Lives with 1/2 part-time employment - E 13 TV-L HU (third-party funding limited until 31.03.2027)
- Kennziffer
- DR/010/25
- Kategorie(n)
- Wissenschaftliches Personal
- Anzahl der Stellen
- 1
- Einsatzort
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Department of European Ethnology
- Bewerbung bis
- 18.03.25
- Text
Job description:
- we seek a post-doc level psychologist specializing in trauma studies for an interdisciplinary research team devoted to Holocaust dispossession in East-Central Europe (ERC-Project Plundered Lives)
- the position entails performing field research in different locations across Poland and the analysis of qualitative data
- the expected output are two academic articles on the aspects of trauma related to Holocaust dispossession
- PhD in psychology, social psychology, or a related discipline
- strong documented background in interactive qualitative research techniques
- focus on transgenerational trauma studies
- several years of professional experience in conducting personal interviews with traumatized individuals
- knowledge of methods used in anthropological fieldwork
- interest in Holocaust Studies and Jewish Studies
- native Polish language skills
- very good command of English
- Bewerbung an
Please send your application (incl. motivation letter, CV, and list of publications) referencing the job ID to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of European Ethnology, Dr. Magdalena Waligorska, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin or preferably in electronic form as a single PDF file to und
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